melanie huestis

Disclaimer & Terms of Use & Privacy Policies
This disclaimer and privacy policy covers all services provided by Melanie Huestis and applies to all clients whether a contract was signed or not and whether a session was booked or not.
Sessions, Healing & Medical Care
Energy healing (Reiki, alchemy, and all other forms of healing) are used primarily for stress reduction and relaxation, which aids in healing the body on all levels.
Melanie Huestis does not diagnose medical conditions nor give medical advice. She is not a medical doctor or licensed healthcare professional. As such, any services received from Melanie Huestis do not replace any previous or continuing medical advice/treatment. You are encouraged to continue to seek medical treatment and the advice of a licensed practitioner(s).
All personal results are dependent on the individual and the actions chosen going forward. They have nothing to do with Melanie Huestis and are not guaranteed. Any and all conditions arising after a session are not the responsibility of Melanie Huestis or the result of her work.
Sessions may be discontinued at any time.
Long term body imbalances often require multiple sessions to facilitate the level of relaxation needed for the body to heal itself and when this happens, some bodily functions may be temporarily affected. This is the natural process and not caused by Melanie Huestis in any way.
Intuitive readings (including card readings) are subject to interpretation and there is no guarantee of accuracy (or anything else). Readings are for entertainment purposes only and are not a substitute for other professional advice. Energy is constantly changing and you always have free will to choose the path you want. No passed loved ones will be purposely contacted, no future telling will be done, others will not be read without their explicit permission, and no decisions will be made for you.
24 hours cancellation notice is required for all appointments or you will be responsible for the full session fee that was booked. All sessions included in package plans must be used within the specified timeframe or they will be considered used and no refund will be given. No refunds will be given for any session at anytime, after the 24 hour period regardless if you show up to the appointment or not, and whether you are happy with the outcome or not.
Testimonials & Results
All testimonials on the website are the opinions of those quoted and do not necessarily reflect a typical result. All energy healing and coaching works in tandem with the individual (and many other factors) and therefore results are not guaranteed. Any and all conditions arising after a session are not the responsibility of Melanie Huestis.
Your Privacy Rights
From January 1, 2004, all businesses engaged in commercial activities must comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information, which it incorporates. These obligations extend to lawyers and law firms. The Act gives you rights concerning the privacy of your personal information.
What Personal Information I Collect
Personal information is any information that identifies you, or by which your identity could be deduced.
Personal Information and Consent
I collect information only by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive way. Wherever possible I collect your personal information directly from you and with your consent.
Use of Your Information
I use your personal information to provide services to you, to administer client time and billing databases and possibly to communicate with you in the future concerning my services. If, at any time, you tell me that you no longer wish to receive information about my services, I will not send any further material. I do not disclose your personal information to any third party to enable them to market their products and services, or to any other third party for any purpose unconnected to my work on your behalf.
Disclosure of Your Personal Information
The only circumstances in which I would disclose your personal information would be: when I am required or authorized by law to do so, for example if a court issues a subpoena; when you have consented to the disclosure; where it is necessary to establish or collect fees; if I engage a third party to provide administrative services to me and the third party is bound by my privacy policy.
Security of Personal Information
I take all reasonable precautions to ensure that your personal information is kept safe from loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure. Among the steps taken to protect your information are:
* restricted file access to personal information;
* protecting against unauthorized computer access;
* internal password and security policies
Access to Your Personal Information
You may ask for access to any personal information I hold about you. Summary information is available on request. More detailed requests which require archive or other retrieval costs may be subject to administrative fees.
Correcting Errors
If, at any time, you learn that any information held by me is not accurate, complete or up-to-date, upon being advised by you, I will take all reasonable steps to correct it.
Communicating With Me
You should be aware that e-mail is not a 100% secure medium, and you should be aware of this when contacting me to send personal or confidential information. In my use of e-mail, both in communicating with you and with others on your behalf, I will not generally use encryption or other security measures unless specifically requested to do so by you.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
I may change my Privacy Policy from time to time.
I may use "cookies" on this site. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a site visitor’s hard drive to help improve your access to the site and identify repeat visitors to my site. Cookies can also enable me to track and target the interests of my users to enhance the experience on my site. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on my site.
Code of Conduct for Forums
Be kind. Ask for what you want/need. Don't share anything you read here if it's not yours to share - in other words, if you want us to keep your secrets, keep ours. No promotions of any kind. You do not have to use trigger warnings, yet please be mindful that some of us have trauma. Keep an open mind and an open heart - everyone's magic is different. Be as open and vulnerable as possible ... it's the only way to crack open and level up! Melanie Huestis reserves the right to delete your posts and/or you from the group at anytime without a refund if these rules are not followed. Showing up for the lives on Zoom counts as your consent to be recorded and for that recording to be used again in the future.
Any external links found on the website are not operated by Melanie Huestis, and she accepts no responsibility for any damage, loss, or other issues that arise from your use of the linked sites.
This disclaimer and privacy policy covers all services and advice (both free and paid) by Melanie Huestis and applies to all clients whether a contract was signed or not. By booking a service, browsing the website, agreeing to receive free energy healing, participating in the forums, or any other offers from Melanie Huestis (including those on social media), you agree to everything written above and fully release and indemnify Melanie Huestis from all claims, causes, and liability in any way related to the services provided or free information shared on the website/social media.